Strange to have a Christmas game have the achievement of the week in April, but whatevs. Mastered! Aside from 12-1, this was quite easy. Today I learned there is a Polar Express game. Pretty simple set and the game was kinda fun. Thanks for this set, it's been awesome to play!ħ1st Master. Bonus - Polar Express Graph and Sort Sheet. 400 points isn't really necessary and just forcing a set to be that way isn't what I want. Polar Express Counting Game - The free Gingerbread Game here will show you what this game is like 2.) Create a Polar Express Scene Dice Game It is similar to the free winter dice game I posted here and shown below. The reason they aren't like that already is because it'd make the achievements feel like they're worth too many points. It wouldn't be difficult at all to add them, but it might be redundant because the player is probably trying to get all candy canes in each level anyway. Well there aren't really any level completion achievements, just all candy canes. Strange to have a Christmas game have the achievement of the week in April, but whatevs.I did not have intention of adding more due to not having ideas, I'm not sure about the bells but I suppose that's something that could be looked at.

400 points isn't really necessary and just forcing a set to be that way isn't what I want.

I did not have intention of adding more due to not having ideas, I'm not sure about the bells but I suppose that's something that could be looked at.